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(1.) Q. What is your name?
A. Antonio Mercuri.
(2.) Q. What was your favorite trip to Pizza Hut?
A. Pizza Hut sucks ass.
(3.) Q. What is your favorite summer moment?
A. Hitting Kheloussi with a stick.
(4.) Q. What's the best part about Gustas' basement?
A. Chairs that always break.
(5.) Q. What's the most asshole thing that Chuck ever did?
A. Getting the same soaps as me.
(6.) Q. What's your favorite place to grind?
A. Anything steep and long.
(7.) Q. What's the lamest joke you ever said?
A. Every joke I say is lame.
(8.) Q. What's the lamest thing you ever did on a friday or saturday night?
A. Watched "The Gladiator".
(9.) Q. What's your favorite quote?
A. "Fuckin' Spink!"
(10.) Q. What are the chances of us staff members ever making "ARRGH!?!"?
A. 1:11, d.
(11.) Q. Where's the rauchiest place you ever 'bated?
A. I try not to mastur (bate).
(12.) Q. What's the most annoying thing [Kissinger] said?
A. "I'm a lover, not a fighter."
(13.) Q. What's your favorite Florida moment?
A. Hanging with hot girls.
(14.) Q. Who's the most annoying kid in PAHS?
A. Any one of the gay bros.
(15.) Q. What's your favorite Schneider and/or Mieckowski quote(s)?
A. Schneider - "Tony, control your voice in class." Right after I said out loud, "Jesus Christ!"
(16.) Q. What's your favorite "Tony Hawk: Pro Skater" move?
A. 540º hard flip.
(17.) Q. Who do you want to be when you grow up?
A. Robert Gulay.
(18.) Q. What was your worst attempt to get a ride?
A. Grabbing on to random people's car while on roller blades.
(19.) Q. What kind of soaps do you have?
A. Cleans.
(20.) Q. Favorite Cartoon?
A. Family Guy.