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(1.) Q. What is your name?
A. Bryan Kissinger.
(2.) Q. What was your favorite trip to Pizza Hut?
A. The really long one when we were there for three hours, I'll elaborate later.
(3.) Q. What is your favorite summer moment?
A. There's a lot, but I might have to say the camping trip or D saying, "I'm charging."
(4.) Q. What's the best part about Gustas' basement?
A. His little naked cousin that runs around.
(5.) Q. What's the most asshole thing that Chuck ever did?
A. Asking Stev for a ride and when he said he couldn't, Chuck said he was useless.
(6.) Q. What's your favorite place to grind?
A. The school, and I will get that one pole.
(7.) Q. What's the lamest joke you ever said?
A. The JETS ... Ho, the JETS.
(8.) Q. What's the lamest thing you ever did on a friday or saturday night?
A. Go to Gustas's and make April suck off a Füssball.
(9.) Q. What's your favorite quote?
A. "K kinda looks like a horse ... "
(10.) Q. What are the chances of us staff members ever making "ARRGH!?!"?
A. None. G, give it up.
(11.) Q. Where's the rauchiest place you ever 'bated?
A. Tough one. Probably just other people's houses in general.
(12.) Q. What's the most annoying thing [Kissinger] said?
A. I say alot of annoying things.
(13.) Q. What's your favorite Florida moment?
(14.) Q. Who's the most annoying kid in PAHS?
(15.) Q. What's your favorite Schneider and/or Mieckowski quote(s)?
A. Schneider - "You're living in a world of whole numbers."
(16.) Q. What's your favorite "Tony Hawk: Pro Skater" move?
A. I suck. But that huge combo through the secret room. [editor's note: this is not an actual move]
(17.) Q. Who do you want to be when you grow up?
A. Confusious Pinball.
(18.) Q. What was your worst attempt to get a ride?
A. Damn, um, probably Chuck trying to use Stev. [editor's note: this is not his worst attempt but rather Chuck's]
(19.) Q. What kind of soaps do you have?
A. Scorchers, baby.
(20.) Q. Favorite Cartoon?
A. Dennis the Menace.